
The difference between woodworking cnc router and advertising cnc router

The difference between woodworking cnc router and advertising cnc router

CNC Router XJ1325 with ATC

Jinan Xiaojia CNC Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd
Woodworking cnc router and advertising CNC Router is has a significant difference. Often woodworking engraving machine engraving machine can replace the use of advertising , and advertising engraving machine , but not a substitute for wood engraving machine for production.

First, the difference from the tool : Advertising engraving machine is mainly used in the advertising industry , the advertising industry 's product margin is not large, multi-use light engraving machine engraving tool .

Second, from the spindle difference : the relative wood engraving machine , advertising engraving machine working stroke and spindle power is much smaller , but high precision, suitable for processing small thickness of the product . The thickness of wood engraving requires deep processing , processing speed, so relatively speaking, the working stroke and spindle power also large, but finely carved mainly depending on the size of the tool diameter to be, may not be advertising engraving machine engraving things , woodworking engraving machine can do .
Another very important factor is the difference between the path and the drawings , woodworking engraving machine engraving machine and advertising industries as different CNC engraving machine, not the same as the tool of choice at work , spindle power is not the same, so the amount of path design and drawings are different. 

Based on these differences , it is recommended that customers do not take advertising engraving machine engraving machine when used, because it will greatly harm the life of advertising engraving machine . Because advertising engraving machine engraving machine price cheaper than , so some customers will choose based on price engraving machine , tend to choose cheaper advertising engraving machine for the production , which often outweigh the benefits.

